Four Star Franchise Football Constitution  
League Established August 1996
I The draft will be held on the second full weekend after the fourth of July.
No Four Star owner may draft for another.
A person may only draft for one team throughout each draft.
II All owners have veto power when changes are proposed to this rule, expansion, new owners, rules changes outside
of draft weekend, reducing roster sizes, reducing the number of players/defenses protected from the draft,
drastic changes in scoring, changes to roster positions or starting line-ups, and in all matters that
would change first place being award to the team with the most "win points" overall.
III Any non-vetoable change to the constitution shall require the consent of 70% of all franchises.
IV The schedule for each year will be determined by the draft order for that year, according to the
12 team draft grid posted on the E*OFFICE homepage.
V The season will begin with the first kick-off of week one and end with the completion of
the regular season. If fewer than 10 games are completed the 2020 season will not count.  Only skins and pizza fund
will be collected.
VI Each week each team will face one other team.  The team with the most "game points" will win
the match-up and earn one "win point".  The losing team will receive zero "win points".
In the case of a tie in "game points" each team will receive half a "win point".
The order of finish will be decided by "win points", from most to least. Ties will be broken by total points.
If two or more teams have the same number of "win points" and "game points" a coin flip will break the tie.
VII The reward schedule
1st place - $120 ($90 in expansion years) plus transaction money collected
2nd place- $55 ($40 in expansion years)
3rd place- $40 ($25 in expansion years)
4th place- $20 ($15 in expansion years)
5th place- $10
6th place- exempt from transaction fees
Teams finishing in the top five will be exempt from entry and transaction fees.
In the event of a tie, the team with the most "game points" will be the winner, if teams are
still tied a flip of the coin will decide the winner.
VIII Seasons with an odd number of teams will determine order of finish by total points.
IX Teams finishing worse than 5th place must pay $35 entry fee.
X Each franchise may protect fourteen players from the draft, due by 1 am ET the Saturday of draft weekend.  
A franchise may protect 7 players from the draft after the 1 am ET deadline.
If there is an expansion draft each franchise may protect two less positions than normal.
XI Expansion teams will get five alternating picks (no rookies) prior to the regular draft
Expansion teams will get free transactions and a $15 dollar entry fee in their first year.
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XII Twenty minutes prior to the draft all protected players must be announced
XIII All E*OFFICE fees must be paid in order to draft in any league.  
No line-ups will accepted until all E*OFFICE fees are paid in full.
Failure to pay all E*OFFICE fees by the first kick-off of week 2 could result in loss of team.
XIV A  random draw, held one year in advance, will determine all draft orders.
  If you draw a top 6 draft pick one year, you will draw a bottom 6 draft pick the next year and vice versa
The draft order will reverse after each round. (1-12, 12-1, 1-12, etc….)
Two minutes will be given to make each pick.
The draft will last 6 rounds, with a 20 minute break between rounds three and four.
All draft picks must be submitted in writing.  There are no substitute picks.
All franchises have one week following the draft to utilize two free free-agent pick-ups.
Rosters will be final two weeks following the draft.
XV A player may only be added to a roster at a position they are listed at in two or more current
publications.  The same condition applies for protecting a player at a particular position.
XVI Each franchise may have a maximum of 22 roster positions with no more than 3 quarterbacks,
6 running backs, 6 wide receivers, 2 tight ends, 2 kickers, 2 defenses, and 1 bonus (any position).
XVII A starting line-up may include a maximum of 1 quarterback, 2 running backs, 3 wide receivers,
1 tight end, 1 kicker, and 1 defense.
XVIII Final starting line-ups are due by the first kick-off of each Sunday.  
If no line-up is submitted by the deadline the previous weeks line-up will be used.  
If there is a Thursday, Friday, and or Saturday game then players in those games must be started
or pulled from previous line-up by the first kick-off of each respective day. 
If a player from a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday game is in a team's previous week's line-up
and they are not pulled or removed by a new line-up prior to the first kick-off of the day their
team is playing, then that player is automatically started for that week.
XIX Trades cost .50 each and waiver pick-ups cost 1.00 each.  Both are unlimited.
Off-season trades are free.
XX A player must have been available for at least one Four Star Draft before being a waiver addition.
XXI Future draft picks may be traded.
XXII No trades or waivers may be concluded be tween the first kick-off of week 11 and the end of
the NFL regular season.  
The waiver hiatus will continue until the completion of the Four Star Draft.
Trades may resume following the completion of the Four Star season.
XXIII Even numbered weeks will be skins weeks.  Each team will be charged $8.00 per year for skins.
The team with the high point total for a skins week wins $10.00 ($2.00 plus $8 payed off for first one)
XXIV The last place team must change their name/logo to the choice of other owners.
A team may only change their name at the draft and will be charged $5.00 for each change.
XXV A team will be charged $5.00 (to pizza fund) for starting a player or defense who is on a bye, 
on the injured reserve list, or not on an NFL team.
XXVI If a team starts more players or positions than they are allowed, the lowest scores possible from the overloaded
positions will be used.
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  Offensive Scoring  
less than 10 yards = 6 points
from 10-39 yards   = 9 points
40 yards and over = 12 points
Out of position TD's = 6 additional points
If an offensive starter scores a td on defense or on a kick/punt return they will get a total of 6 points.
All two-point conversions are worth two points, no out of position points awarded.
Every 10 yards rushing  = 1 point
Every 10 yards receiving = 1 point
Every 30 yards passing = 1 point
Field Goals less than 50 yards = 3 points
Field goals of 50 yards or more = 5 points
Extra points = 1 point
  Defensive Scoring  
All defensive touchdowns = 6 points
All kick/punt return touchdowns = 6 points
Fumble recoveries = 1 point
Sacks = 1 point
Interceptions = 1 point
Safeties = 2 points
Points Allowed
00-02 - 10 points
03-06 - 7 points
07-13 - 4 points
All Scores are final after one week. (kick-off)