The Masters League Constitution
1 All owners have veto power when changes are proposed to:
This rule
New Ownership
Reducing Roster Size
Reducing the amount of players protected
Drastic changes in scoring
Changes in the starting line-up
Changes proposed outside draft weekend
Any attempt to change the existing reward structure
2 All proposed rules changes require a minimum of 70% owner support
3 The Masters League Draft will be held during the second full weekend 
after the 4th of July
An owner or their representative (non-Masters-owner) must be present in
order to participate in the draft. Each owner has 2 online-waivers each five year period, starting with 2022.
4 The schedule will be determined by the previous year's draft order
5 The league season will be comprised of the entire NFL regular season schedule
6 Each week two franchises will compete head-to-head
Whoever scores the most "game points" will earn one "win point"
In the case of a tie each team will earn one-half of a "win point"
7 If there is an odd number of teams there will be no head-to-head games
Total points will decide the order of finish
8 All franchises may protect a maximum of 16 roster positions from the draft.  These "keepers" are due
by 1am ET the day of the Masters Draft.  After 1 am ET a team may protect a maximum of 8 players.
9 In expansion years all owners may protect a maximum of 13 positions
Expansion teams will each get 13 alternating picks (no rookies) before auction draft
Expansion teams will get 125 draft dollars in first year 
Expansion teams may not trade any of their picks or dollars til each draft begins
Expansion teams will get free transactions for two years
Expansion teams will get free entry for the first year
We will pay out one additional spot the year following expansion
10 All E*OFFICE fees must be paid prior to the Masters League Draft.
Failure to pay in full will result in your exclusion from the draft.
No line-ups will be accepted until fees are paid in full.
If payment is still not paid in full by the kick-off of week 2, the team may be
seized by the League Office and new ownership may take over the team
11 Prior to the start of the draft one owner will select a draft bubble
Whatever that owner selects will be their draft position
The owner to the left of the selector will be the next in draft order, etc…
12 Each franchise will begin with 100 draft dollars for each draft
Draft dollars may be traded from future drafts
Only current NFL players are available to be drafted
A player can only be drafted at a position they are currently listed on an official NFl roster
One minute will be given for each owner to bring up a player
An owner can place an initial bid from zero to however much money they have
Owners will have thirty seconds to top the current bid in even dollar amounts or pass
Once an owner passes on a particular player or defense they are out of the bidding
The last player to place a bid on a player is rewarded that player
This process will continue until the completion of the eight-round draft.
Each team will have one week to add two free waiver pick-ups.
13 The waiver hiatus will end following the completion of the draft
Initial waiver pick-ups will be submitted in writing directly after the draft
If multiple people want the same player/defense a die roll will determine the winner
14 All players can be inserted or removed from the starting line-up until that player's
round of games kicks-off or until the final deadline.
Final starting line-ups are due by 1et for Sunday's first round of games
Final Starting line-ups are due by 4et for Sunday's second round of games
All players from a previous line-up will be retained if not pulled by their deadline
No players can be started after their game kicks off or their deadline passes
15 Trades will cost .50
Waivers will cost 3.00
Both are unlimited
A player must be on or have been on a NFL roster to be added
A player can only be added at a position they are currently listed at on an official
NFL roster
16 There will be a trade and waiver hiatus between the first kick-off of week 11 and
the completion of the NFL regular season
The waiver hiatus will continue until the completion of the Masters Draft
Trades may resume following the NFL regular season
All off-season trades are free of charge
17 Reward and Fees post-2017 season (assuming total point leader also has best record)
1st place - $225 + transactions
2nd place - $75
3rd place - $55
4th place - $45
5th place - free transactions
18 Reward and Fees post-2017 season (when total point leader does not have best record)
1st place - $175 + transactions
2nd place - $100
3rd place - $75
4th place - $50
5th place - free transactions
19 The Entry fee is 50 dollars.  The teams that finish in the top-four of the standings are exempt from this fee.
20 A roster may consist of a maximum of 4 qb, 8 wr, 2 te, 2 k, 2 defenses, and one bonus of any position.
All rosters are set two weeks after the completion of the draft
21 A starting line-up may consist of a maximum of 1 qb, 3 rb, 4 wr, 1 te, 1 k, 1 def, 1 bonus
If a starting line-up exceeds the maximum number of starters then the lowest
scoring players will be chosen to fill the line-up after all scoring for the week
22 A $5 dollars pizza fund violation will be charged to an owner who…
Starts a player who is on any Injured Reserve list
Starts a player who is not currently on an NFL roster
Starts a player on a bye week
All fees due at the next draft
23 The team who finishes the year with the fewest "game points" will be re-named
The other owners will choose the new name by a majority vote.
$5 dollars will be charged to any owner who changes their team name
Team names may only be changed during the draft
An owner will be charged .25 for every zero they score at any position
24 Each even-numbered week will be designated a "skins Week"
The owner or owners who have the highest point total for that week will win the skin
Each owner will contribute 8 dollars for the skins contest
An owner will win 2 dollars with their first skin (8 dollars kept to pay for skins entry)
Each subsequent skin will carry a 10 dollar award
Any ties for skins will result in an even split of the proceedings among all qualifing teams
Offensive Scoring
25 Touchdowns
01-09 yards = 6 points
10-39 yards = 9 points
40+ yards = 12 points
Out of position TD = 6 point bonus 
(rb throws or catches a td, wr runs or throws a td, or qb runs or catches a td)
All two-point conversions = 2 points
Any TD scored on defense or on a kick/punt return = 6 points
26 Yardage
Every 10 yards rushing = 1 point
Every 10 yards receiving = 1 point
Every 30 yards passing = 1 point
27 Kickers 
FG's less than 50 yards = 3 points
FG's of 50 yards or more = 5 points
Extra Points = 1 point
Defensive Scoring
28 All defensive TD's = 6 points
All Punt/kick return TD's = 6 points
Safeties = 2 points
Fumble recoveries = 1 point
Interceptions = 1 point
Sacks = 1 point
29 Points allowed bonus
00-02 = 10 points
03-06 = 7 points
07-13 = 4 points
14+ = no bonus
30 All scores will be final at the very first kick-off of the following week. (Usually Thursday).
For the last week of the season all scores will be final at 12ET, seven days from the kick-off of the last 
game of that week.