Transactions from April 1998 through June 1999


04-09-98            Pate’s trades L. Phillips, F. Sanders, and T. Mcgee for Dillman’s T. Barber

                        and Denver D.

04-09-98            Pate’s trades M. Irvin for Owosso’s  Y. Green and T. Allen.

04-16-98            Litchfield traded J. Galloway and W. Dunn to Bill for H. Moore and

                        M. Alstott.

04-26-98            Pate’s traded K. McCardell and 5th round ‘98 to Jason for C. Johnson

                        4th round ‘98.

05-05-98            Owosso traded J. Jett and 1st round ‘98 to Dillman for A. freeman and

                        1st round ‘98

05-17-98            Owosso traded T. Dilfer and J. dunn to Nartker for R. Dudley.

07-03-98            Owosso traded J. Bettis and 2nd round ‘98 and 3rd ‘99 to the Mutiny

                        for A. Smith and 1st ‘98 and 1st ‘99.

07-05-98            Owosso traded I. Bruce, R. Dudley, and 8th pick overall ‘98(from                                   Mutiny) for T. Dilfer, 1st round ‘99,  1st round ‘98, and 3rd round ‘98.

07-08-98            Arcola traded S. Sharpe, 4th round pick ‘98, and 1st rnd pick ‘99 to                                     Jason for T. Martin and W.Walls.

07-11-98            Owosso traded the 2nd pick overall ‘98(from Crawdads) and 2nd rnd                                    pick ‘99 to Dillman for D. Levens and 2nd round pick ‘98.

07-16-98            Arcola trades M. Faulk, Denver D, I. Fryar, 2nd rnd pick ‘99, 1st rnd ‘98                   to the Crawdads for  M. Jackson, Crawdads 1st rnd pick ‘98, and J.                           Galloway.

07-16-98            Owosso trades A. Murrell to Arcola for M. Jackson.

07-16-98            Owosso traded M. Harrison and 4th rnd pick ‘98 to the Crawdads for E.                                 Green.

07-28-98            The Revenge trade T. Allen to Blockheads for K. Jabbar.

07-28-98            Owosso traded 10th pick overall ‘98 and Wash Def. for W. Walls.

08-10-98            Owosso trades M. Irvin, D. Levens, and 3rd round pick to Bogard for

                        W. Dunn, M. Harrison, and the 4th pick overall.

08-11-98            Owosso traded M. Westbrook and W. Walls to the Revenge for T.                                     Gonzalez and the 10th pick overall ‘98(from Dillman).

08-23-98            Owosso traded the 10th overall ‘98(from Dillman) to The Crawdads for                                 Hilliard.

08-23-98            Arcola adds J. Hall.

08-25-98            Arcola drops J. Kitna and adds L. Phillips.

08-26-98            Arcola drops B. Hoying and adds J. Harbaugh.

09-03-98            New England adds Baltimore Defense.

09-06-98            New England drops T. Barber and adds G. Foley.

09-07-98            Blockheads drop Beckfort and adds W. Ritchey.

09-07-98            Blockheads drops B. Morris and D. Staley.

09-07-98            Crawdads drop F. Wychek and add B. Stills (bonus).

09-09-98            Dillman drops C. Blanchard and adds M. Stover.

09-14-98            Dillman drops J. Jett and T. Aikman and adds N. O’donnell and D. Scott.

09-14-98            New England drops J. Green and adds J. Jett.

09-14-98            The Mutiny dropped J. Blake and added T. Green.

09-15-98            New England trades T. Dilfer to Crawdads for 3rd ‘00.  Crawdads drop E. Kramer.

09-15-98            New England adds R. Cunningham.

09-16-98            Dillman drops S. Mitchell and adds C. Batch.

09-16-98            Revenge drops Miami and added Seattle.

09-16-98            Litchfield adds F. Wychek.

09-16-98            Revenge drops J. Harbaugh and adds T. Banks.

09-16-98            New England  traded M. Brunell to the Crawdads for I. Bruce, 2nd ‘99, and 1st ‘00.

09-16-98            Pate’s traded J. Galloway, L. Smith, Washington, to Dillman, for R. Carueth, E. George, and N.Y. Giants.and 1st round ‘99

09-16-98            Blockheads drop W. Blackwell and add T. Jervey.

09-16-98            Blockheads drop S. Bono J. Garrett.

09-16-98            Dillman drops R. Anthony and adds C. Calloway.

09-20-98         Litchfield drops Detroit and adds S.D.

09-20-98            Litchfield drops D. Alexander and adds W. Chrebet.

09-20-98            The Mutiny add Jay Graham. (open spot)

09-20-98            New England drops M. Jackson and adds J. Jett.

09-20-98            New England Owosso drops S. Hicks and adds D. Kanell (bonus).

09-24-98            Crawdads drop E. Bennett and add P. Holmes.

09-24-98            New England dropped D. Kanell and added J. Lewis.

09-25-98         Crawdads dropped M. Ricks and Tr. Brown and picked up S. Dawkins and M. Muhammed.

09-25-98            New England drops Baltimore and adds Miami.

09-25-98            Arcola drops A. Green and adds Y. Green.

09-26-98            Arcola drops J. Hall and adds C. Blanchard.

09-27-98            Dillman drops Washington and adds N.O.

10-02-98            Arcola dropped G. Hill and added G. Brown.

10-02-98            New England dropped J. Jett and added T. Aikman.

10-02-98            Dillman drops C. batch and adds E. Kramer.

10-03-98            Crawdads add V. Testeverde.

10-05-98            New England dropped G. Foley and added C. Batch.

10-06-98         New England traded M. Harrison to Arcola for Dillman’s 2nd round pick.

10-06-98            New England dropped R. Carrueth and added J. Jett.

10-08-98            Arcola trades C. Johnson and G. Brown to Blockheads for D. Staley.

10-08-98            Arcola adds H. Copeland.

10-08-98            Arcola drops Y. Green and adds Oakland (bonus).

10-10-98            Blockheads drops A. Reede and adds R. Ismial.

10-11-98            Crawdads add C. Cleeland.

10-11-98            Crawdads drops S. Dawkins and adds B. Engram.

10-11-98            Crawdads drop J. Kasay adds J. Carney.

10-11-98            Litchfiel drops C. Garner and adds R. Huntley.

10-18-98            New England dropped D. Jones and added A. Glover.

10-20-98         Arcola traded C. Chandler, K. Jabbar, and H. Copeland to Dillman for E. Kramer, J. Stewart, and J. Galloway.

10-22-98            Crawdads drop Denver and adds Oakland.

10-25-98         Dillman drops H. Copeland and T. Mcgee and adds A. Mayes and D. Flutie.

10-25-98            Arcola dropped Y. green and added E. Moulds.

10-30-98            Litchfield dropped . kennison and added H. Ellard.

10-31-98         New England traded I. Bruce, Crawdad’s 1st and 2nd round ‘99, and R. Cunningham to Arcola for J. Galloway.

10-31-98            New England added M. Ricks (bonus)

11-03-98            Arcola dropped J. Stewart and added B. Morris.

11-05-98         New England traded A. Smith, C. Batch, and J. Lewis to Litchfield for C. Garner, B. Johnson,  B. Engram, and the 1st overall pick ‘99.

11-05-98         New England dropped R. Huntley and B. Engram and added S. Hicks and K. Dyson.

11-06-98            Blockheads dropped R. Ismial and added S. Buerlein (bonus).

11-07-98            Litchfield dropped Carolina and added Detroit.

11-07-98            New England dropped L. Johnson and added T. Davis.

11-07-98            New England traded T. Davis to Arcola for B. Morris.

11-07-98            Arcola dropped T. Banks and added R. Gannon.

11-14-98            New England dropped A. Viniateri and added M. Anderson.

11-15-98            New England dropped Arizona and added Atlanta.

11-16-98            Crawdads drop B. Stills and add R. Anthony.

11-16-98            Crawdads trade E. Green to the Mudcats for the Mudcat’s 3rd round ‘00.

11-17-98         Crawdads traded M. Irvin, R. Holcombe, and Denver D to Mudcats for Mudcats 5th expansion pick and 1st rnd ‘00.

11-18-98            Crawdads add B. Morris.

11-19-98         Liberty traded W. Dunn, C. Pickens, and the 8th overall ‘99 for T. Owens.

11-20-98            Arcola dropped R. Gannon and added P. Justin.

11-20-98            Liberty add A. Green.

11-20-98            Crawdads add R. Proehl.

02-20-99            Arcola traded R. Cunningham to New England for J. Plummer.

02-23-99         Arcola traded A. Murrell and T. Brown to Dillman for T. Glenn and C. Enis.

02-24-99            Gunslingers traded the 4th overall pick ‘99 to Arcola for C. Enis.

02-24-99         Gunslingers traded the 3rd overall pick ‘99 & 3rd round ‘99 to Crawdads for V. Testeverde.

02-26-99         Arcola traded J. George, T. allen, C. Conway, W. Walls, and the Giants to Spicer for 4th expansion pick.

03-27-99         Dillman traded T. Davis and D. Scott to the Liberty for A. Freeman and C. Dillon.

03-27-99                  Liberty traded S. Hicks and the 2nd overall ‘99 to Arcola for M. Harrison.

04-29-99                  Crawdads traded Bam Morris, Reidel Anthoney, Bobby Engram, & John Carney

To Mudcats for 2nd expansion pick '99 & 2nd round '99.

05/07/99         Crawdads traded 3rd overall pick '99 to Mudcats for 4th round '99 and B. Johnson.

05\21\99          New England traded #5 overall 99, T. Aikman, I. Hilliard, and A. Del-Greco to Mudcats for the #3 overall '99.

05\24\99                 Mudcats traded I. Hilliard to Crawdads for R. Dudley, P. Holmes, and the Mudcats 4th '99

05\25\99                 New England traded #6 overall '99 to Litchfield for S. McNair.

05\27\99                 Mudcats traded J. Carney and 10th round '99 to Crawdads for J. Elam.

05/29/99                 Liberty traded T. Davis and A. Green to Arcola for S. Hicks, D. Staley, 2nd overall '99, and the 4th overall '99.

06\03\99                 Liberty traded S. Hicks, K. Dyson, A. Glover, and the #4 overall '99  to Black Death for A. Freeman.

06/04/99                 Revenge traded #10 overall '99, #11 Overall '99, and 1st 'round '00 to Dillman for The #4 overall '99.

06/22/99                 Liberty traded S. McNair, M. Harrison, 19th overall '99, 36th overall '99, and 3rd round '00 to Crawdads for M. Brunell, D. Levens, and 2nd round '00.

06/23/99                 Crawdads traded #15 overall '99, #2 expansion pick '99, and M. Muhammed to Mudcats

                                for #5 overall '99, and the 8th and 9th 1999.