Independence League Transactions  
  Draft Day 2001  
8*19*01 Mudcats trade G. hearst for R. Gardner  
8*19*01 Crawdads trade 24th overall 2001 and E. Smith to West Lake for P. Warrick  
8*19*01 Jamestown trades D. Staley to West lake for W. Chrebet E. Smith, and #4 overall 2002.  
8*19*01 Elvii traded 6th 2002 to Crawdads for remaining picks  
8*20*01 Mavericks drop J. Thrash and add J. Brookins.  
8*20*01 Liberty drop Je. Lewis and add J. Plummer  
8*20*01 Liberty drop T. Prentice and add An. Smith  
8*21*01 Arcola adds B. Grammatica  
8*23*01 Mavericks drop A. Hakim and add J. Thrash  
8*23*01 Mutiny trade J. Bettis and D. Alexander to Arcola for J. Jackson, K. Dyson, 1st round 2002, and 2nd round 2002.  
8*24*01 Liberty drop C. Chambers and add M. Minnis.  
8*25*01 Crawdads trade A. Brooks, F. Taylor, and J. Galloway to Mudcats for K. Collins, A. Green, C. Martin, and R. Gardner.  
8*26*01 Liberty trades D. Boston and S. Alexander for Ri. Williams.  
8*26*01 Liberty add C. Chambers  
8*26*01 Liberty trades Ri. Williams to Mavericks for T. Holt.  
8*26*01 Mavericks add T. Mathis  
8*26*01 Liberty add J. Brookins.  
8*26*01 Liberty trade J. brookins and T. Gonzalez to Mavericks for B. Franks and Ja. Lewis.  
8*27*01 Arcola drops D. Chapman and adds T. Candidate  
8*28*01 Mudcats add D. Chapman.  
8*30*01 Mavericks drop J. Thrash and add W. Jackson.  
8*30*01 Arcola drops T. Martin and adds C. Chambers.  
8*31*01 Liberty drop D. Clark and add T. Heap.  
9*03*01 Liberty trade E. Moulds and An. Smith to Crawdads for R. Gardner and T. Davis.  
9*03*01 Mavericks drop C. Batch and add J. Fiedler.  
9*03*01 Mavericks drop S. Hicks and add J. Thrash.  
9*03*01 Liberty drop J. Plummer and C. Batch.  
9*03*01 Mavericks drop J. Fiedler and adds J. Plummer.  
9*06*01 Arcola adds R. Lindell.  
9*09*01 Stallions drop S. Christie and add T. Peterson  
9*09*01 Stallions drop C. Barnes and add S. Hicks.  
9*09*01 Crawdads drop K. Collins and add N. Goins.  
9*09*01 Liberty drop C. Batch and add K. collins.  
9*09*01 Crawdads drop An. Smith and adds J. Martin.  
9*09*01 Liberty drop Chad Johnson and add T. Pinkston.  
9*10*01 Arcola drops P. Burress and adds JJ Stokes.  
9*10*01 Liberty drop R. Gardner and add J. Jurevicous.  
9*11*01 Mavericks drop T. Mathis and add E. Kennison.  
9*11*01 Mavericks drop S. Alexander and add D. Clark.  
9*11*01 Mavericks drop Detroit and add Green Bay  
9*12*01 Stallions drop Charles Johnson and add J. Pathon  
9*12*01 Stallions drop S. Hicks and add J. Fiedler.  
9*17*01 Mavericks drop M. Williams and add Sy. Morris.  
9*19*01 Mavericks drop Sy Morris and adds JJ Dawson.  
9*22*01 Liberty trade T. Holt to Crawdads for Key. Johnson and the #3 overall  
9*25*01 Liberty drop J. Hanson and adds W. Richey.  
9*25*01 Mavericks drop JJ Dawson and add J. Green  
9*25*01 Mavericks drop B. Stokley and add M. Booker.  
9*28*01 Crawdads drop J. George and adds A. Connell.  
9*28*01 Mavericks drop M. Booker and add C. Conway.  
9*30*01 Mutiny drop R. Holcombe and adds An. Smith.  
9*30*01 Gigolos drop C. Redman and adds M. Smith.  
9*30*01 Mudcats drop J. McKnight and adds R. Gardner.  
10*01*01 Arcola drops C. Chambers and adds M. Booker.  
10*02*01 West Lake drops C. McNown and adds T. Mathis  
10*04*01 Mudcats drop E. Conwell and add B. Chamberlain.  
10*05*01 Crawdads drop A. Connell and adds J. Miller.  
10*05*01 Mudcats drop K. Stewart and adds W. Jackson.  
10*06*01 Mudcats drop T. Minor and add D. Washington.  
10*08*01 Crawdads drop K. Dilger and adds E. Kinney.  
10*10*01 Crawdads drop G. Anderson and adds J. Cortez.  
10*11*01 Mavericks drop J. Green and adds H. Ward.  
10*12*01 West Lake trades K. Barlow and W. Dunn to Mudcats for M. Muhammad and C. Buckhalter.  
10*12*01 Mavericks drop E. Kennison and add I. Hilliard.  
10*12*01 Arcola drops JJ Stokes and adds E. Kennison.  
10*13*01 Mavericks drop D. Mason and adds P. Jeffers.  
10*13*01 Liberty trades E. George and the #3 overall 2002 to Crawdads for A. green and 3rd round 2002.  
10*14*01 Gigolos drop R. Dudley and adds I. Mili.  
10*15*01 Gigolos trades O. Mare to the Mudcats for O. Mare.  
10*16*01 Mavericks drop P. Jeffers and adds C. Batch  
10*16*01 Mavericks drop M. Hasslebeck and adds C. Chambers.  
10*17*01 Liberty drop J. Jurevicius and adds M. Hasslebeck.  
10*18*01 Mavericks drop Denver and add Chicago.  
10*19*01 Crawdads drop N. Goins and add B. Sanders.  
10*21*01 Mudcats drop D. Washington and add T. Brady.  
10*21*01 Revenge drops M. Ricks and adds A. Crumpler.  
10*23*01 Mavericks drop J. Allen and add T. Minor.  
10*25*01 Liberty drop M. Hasslebeck and add J. Graham.  
10*25*01 Liberty drop T. heap and add A. Becht.  
10*25*01 Liberty drop A. Becht and add T. Heap.  
10*26*01 Gigolos drop C. Ma'afala and add D. Rhodes.  
10*27*01 Liberty drop J. Graham and add M. Hasslebeck.  
10*28*01 Mudcats drop P. Price and adds D. Patten.  
10*28*01 Gigolos drop JR Redmond and add P. Price.  
11*02*01 Mudcats drop C. Cleeland and add K. Dilger.  
11*04*01 Crawdads drop J. Martin and adds L. Parker.  
11*04*01 Stallions drop J. Fiedler and adds J. Jurevicius.  
11*04*01 West Lake drops J. Germaine and adds J. Fiedler.  
11*04*01 Crawdads trade M. Robinson to Mudcats for #19 overall 2002 and D. Patten.  
11*04*01 Crawdads drop D. Patten and adds P. Burress.  
11*05*01 Crawdads trade K. Warner, Q. Morgan, and the #19 overall to West Lake for D. McNabb and D. terrell.  
11*06*01 Gigolos drop I. Mili and add E. Conwell.  
11*06*01 West Lake drop T. Mathis and add D. Patten.  
11*08*01 Arcola trades C. Dillon and Sh. Alexander to Liberty for L. Tomlinson and P. Holmes.  
11*11*01 Stallions drop T. Biakabatuka and adds T. Hambrick.  
11*11*01 Mavericks drop H. Ward and add T. Banks.  
11*13*01 Mavericks drop J. Plummer and adds A. Van Pelt.  
11*14*01 Mavericks drop M. Westbrook and adds F. Mitchell.  
11*15*01 Crawdads drop L. Parker and add M. Westbrook.  
11*17*01 Stallions trade D. Levens and C. Carter to Mavericks for J. Brookins and C. Conway.  
11*17*01 Stallions drop J. Pathon and add S. Mack.  
11*17*01 Crawdads drop E. Kinney and add E. Johnson  
11*18*01 Mudcats drop C. Cleeland and adds A. Becht.  
11*21*01 Mavs drop T. Banks and add J. Plummer.  
11*21*01 Mavs drop C. Batch and adds JJ Stokes.  
11*21*01 Crawdads trade P. Burress, #2 overall 2002, and #3 overall 2002 to Arcola for D. Boston.  
11*21*01 Liberty drop M. Stover and add K. Brown.  
11*21*01 Liberty drops T. Pinkston and adds H. Ward.  
11*21*01 Arcola drops E. Kennison and adds A. Connell.  
11*22*01 Arcola drops D. White and adds C. Batch.  
11*22*01 Mudcats drop D. Chapman and add J. allen.  
  All transactions after this point are free (until the beginning of the next draft)  
03*12*02 Mudcats trade T. Brady, D. Bledsoe, L. Jordan, T. Taylor, and J. Allen to Jamie for 5th round exp 2002, 2nd round 2002, and 1st round 2003.  
03*14*02 Crawdads traded P. Warrick, M. Westbrook, and D. McCallister to Horny Toads for 2nd rnd exp 2002, 4th rnd exp 2002, 5th overall 2002, and 2nd round 2003.  
03*15*02 Mavericks trade C. Carter to Horny Toads for 3rd round exp. 2002  
03*16*02 Arcola trades B. Griese and L. Coles to Dee for #1 overall exp. 2002 and 1st pick in 2nd round 2002.  
03*22*02 Mavericks traded A. Van Pelt, F. Mitchell, I. Hilliard, JJ Stokes, J. Elam, J. Nedney, D. Clark, Chicago, and Green Bay to Dee for 7th and 12th overall expansion picks 2002.  
04*04*02 Gigolos traded C. Pennington, M. Alstott, P. Price, and K. Robinson to Horny Toads for #3 exp 2002, 3rd round 2002, and P. Warrick.  
05*04*02 Sleestak traded J. Miller, Mi. Anderson, #5 overall rookie draft 2002, 3rd round pick 2003 to Horny Toads for D. Bledsoe.  
05*05*02 Crawdads trade D. Boston to Arcola for #2 and #3 overall rookie draft 2002 and 1st round 2003.  
05*05*02 Liberty traded K. Collins, Ja. Lewis, G. Crowell, M. Minnis, H. Ward, B. Franks, T. Heap, Miami, and Pittsburgh to the Ballbusters  
  for all 5 of the Ballbusters expansion picks 2002.  
5*27*02 Gigolos trade #1 expansion pick 2002, #13 rookie draft 2002, and Jerry Rice to Crawdads for #4 exp 2002, #3 rookie draft 2002.  
6*13*02 Horny Toads trade C. Carter (retired) to Crawdads for B. Sanders (retired for at least 2 years).  
6*16*02 Horny Toads trade D. McCallister to Crawdads for C. Martin.  
6*20*02 Mudcats trade A. Brooks and K. Barlow to the Crawdads for D. McNabb, J. Rice, and D. Terrell.  
07*19*02 Mudcats traded #7 and #9 expansion picks to Mudcats for D. Terrell.  
07*23*02 Muntucky traded T. Gonzalez to Arcola for Kevin Johnson.  
07*25*02 Muntucky traded 2nd round 2003 to West Lake for M. Pollard.  
08*13*02 Muntucky traded #12 overall exp 2002, 2nd round 2004 to Mutiny for D. Brees.  
08*14*02 Muntucky traded D. Brees and M. Pollard to Jamestown for #7 overall 2002 and 2nd round 2002.  
08*15*02 Revenge traded J. riemersma, D. Alexander, and T. Candidate to Tea Party for #13 overall expansion pick.